Product Name: Aneroid barometer
Measure Range: 950~1070hPa
Accuracy: ± 5 hPa (980~1040hPa)
Reading Barometer, see following steps:
1. To determine the direction of change in barometric pressure, first tap the face of the barometer with a finger and then turn the knob on the top of lens until the set hand is lined up with indicating hand.
2. To determine the barometer “TREND”, wait several hours and then again tap the face of the barometer and note if the indicating hand has moved.
3. If the indicating hand has moved to the right (clockwise), the barometric pressure is increasing and we say the “barometer is rising”.
4. If the indicating hand has moved to the left (counterclockwise), the barometric pressure is decreasing and we say the “barometer is falling”.
5. The direction of indicating hand movement indicates the weather trend. Thus as the indicating hand moves to the right, it means the weather will trend to BETTER. As it moves to the left, it means the weather will trend to POOR.
6. After determining the trend by taking the two readings, as above, the set reference hand should again be lined up over the indicating hand for a future reading. Very small changes in the position of the indicating hand are not too important, but a series of small changes in the same direction on consecutive readings taken at short intervals will be significant.
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